Pregnancy loss can be a deeply isolating experience. At Genea, our compassionate team offers support and guidance every step of the way to help you feel understood and less alone.

Understanding and Coping with Miscarriage

Experiencing a miscarriage is an incredibly personal and deeply emotional journey. At Genea Fertility Clinic, we are acutely aware of the profound sadness and confusion that can accompany the loss of a pregnancy. Its a common experience, affecting about 10-20% of pregnancies, often occurring before the pregnancy is even detected. As difficult as this is, the risk of miscarriage significantly decreases after the first trimester, providing a beacon of hope for many.

The physical symptoms of miscarriage vary widelyfrom severe cramping and heavy bleeding to no physical symptoms at all in cases of missed or silent miscarriages. No matter your experience, you are not alone. Our team is here to provide understanding, comfort, and support throughout every step of your healing journey.

Unpacking the Causes of Miscarriage

The Reality of Genetic Factors

Understanding that miscarriages are rarely within anyone's control can provide some solace. Most miscarriages are due to genetic abnormalities, conditions that are entirely out of one's hands. And the most important thing to understand about miscarriages is that they are almost never caused by the mother's actions. A common type of genetic issue is aneuploidy, which occurs when cells have an abnormal number of chromosomeslike in Down Syndrome, where theres an extra chromosome 21.

Explaining Genetic Abnormalities

What exactly does "genetically abnormal" mean? In every normal human cell, there should be 46 chromosomes that house our DNA and genes. Sometimes, a cell may end up with the incorrect number of chromosomes, a condition known as aneuploidy. A well-known example of aneuploidy is Down Syndrome, where the fetus has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two.

Since such chromosomal irregularities are believed to cause the majority of miscarriages, Genea offers GeneSure, a leading embryo screening technique Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A). PGT-A allows our scientists to examine embryos in the laboratory during the IVF process, ensuring they have the correct number and sequence of chromosomes. By conducting this screening before the embryo is transferred to the uterus, we ensure that only healthy embryos are implanted.

Particularly for women over 38, utilizing GeneSure has been proven to significantly improve outcomesdoubling the live birth rate and halving the miscarriage rate per embryo transfer. This makes it an invaluable option for couples facing the challenge of recurrent miscarriages.

Enquire today

Have questions about miscarriage? Contact our Fertility team for answers and support.

FAQs: Understanding Miscarriage Better

How Common Is Miscarriage?
It is estimated that miscarriage affects about 10-20% of all pregnancies, mostly within the first trimester.
What Are the Symptoms of a Miscarriage?
Miscarriage symptoms can vary extensively. Some women experience intense cramping and bleeding, while others may not notice any physical symptoms at all.
What Typically Causes a Miscarriage?
Genetic abnormalities are the most common cause, making most miscarriages something beyond anyones control.
Could I Have Prevented My Miscarriage?
In nearly all cases, there are no actions that could have prevented a miscarriage, given their typically genetic origins.

Support and Resources: Navigating Through Loss with Compassion

In the face of such loss, the warmth and understanding of a supportive community can be incredibly healing. If youve suffered multiple miscarriages, our fertility specialists are here to provide insightful, gentle guidance and explore potential underlying causes with you.

In partnership with The Pink Elephants Support Network, Genea extends a compassionate hand to those mourning the loss of a pregnancy. This exceptional charity offers a range of resources to help you navigate your feelings of lossinformative brochures, detailed guides on the stages of miscarriage, and downloadable tools designed to nurture and empower you as you move forward.

At Genea, our mission extends beyond medical treatment. We offer a sanctuary where you can discuss your fertility journey openly, learn about your options, and embrace the hope of what lies ahead. Together with a team of dedicated fertility specialists, we promise to support you with sensitivity and respect, providing guidance and care tailored to your unique circumstances. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and we are here to help every step of the way.

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