For over four decades, Genea has remained a cornerstone in advancements within the fertility field. As a top Fertility Center Network across Australia and Thailand, Genea prides itself on a longstanding tradition of significant investment in research and development. This dedication ensures that our fertility specialists can offer cutting-edge scientific support to patients nationwide.
Founded in 1986 by Professor Robert Jansen as Sydney IVF and rebranded as Genea in 2011 name derived from the Greek word for 'family'our clinic has consistently been at the vanguard of IVF and fertility innovations. No other fertility clinic in Australia invests as extensively in R&D as Genea, enabling us to continually enhance our technology and techniques, thereby greatly benefitting our patients.
Genea is renowned as Australias leading IVF clinic, consistently at the forefront in developing and utilizing cutting-edge fertility technologies. We have a proud history of pioneering a variety of methods and technologies, meticulously developed in-house by our sister company, Genea Biomedx.
This close integration with Genea Biomedx allows our team to have a profound understanding of our patients' needs, enabling us to continually enhance our success rates through innovative fertility solutions.
Genea set the benchmark in Australia with the introduction of routine Day 5 (blastocyst) embryo transfers, establishing a new gold standard in the process. This practice has been instrumental in achieving our world-leading success rates and is a testament to our commitment to excellence in fertility care.
We were also the first in Australia to implement the routine single embryo transfer, a technique that enhances success rates by transferring a single, optimally selected embryo. This approach not only increases the chances of a successful pregnancy but also ensures greater safety for both mother and child.
For over twenty years, Genea has been innovating with our proprietary culture mediumthe essential solution that supports the growth of eggs, sperm, and embryos outside the body. Our culture mediums are designed to optimize the developmental environment, reflecting our dedication to enhancing fertility treatments.
Geneas embryologists have been pioneers in incubation technology, leading to the creation of Geri®, our advanced time-lapse incubator. This technology represents the pinnacle of our efforts to improve embryological outcomes.
Our clinic has been a pioneer in Preimplantation Genetic Testing, including PGT-M, PGT-A, and PGT-SR. Our leading-edge techniques and expertise in genetic testing are among the best globally, providing a foundation that many other clinics worldwide have adopted for their embryo biopsy procedures.
By continuously advancing in these critical areas of fertility treatment, Genea not only enhances the chances of successful pregnancy for our patients but also contributes significantly to the field of reproductive health worldwide.
Genea stands out for its pioneering work in routine Day 5 embryo transfers, single embryo transfers, and for developing innovative culture mediums, incubators, and vitrification systems. Our commitment to advancing fertility treatment and care ensures that every patient receives the best possible support on their journey to parenthood.
By maintaining our focus on individual patient care, continuous research, and technological advancement, Genea Fertility remains the premier choice for those seeking comprehensive fertility treatments, including IVF, ICSI, and egg freezing processes.