
Genea Technology GeneSure Understanding the benefits.


Genea Technology GeneSure Understanding the benefits.

Before decided to have a Fertility treatment with Genea, you have to know about the benefits of our technology. 

Genea is Australias leading IVF clinic, founded in 1986. We care about every person and were as committed to making a baby as you are. But its not just care that makes the magic happen. Its also technology. The best tech gives you the best chance of getting pregnant and weve got it. Actually, we invented it. Genea fertility technology is used to make babies around the world, but the only place youll find it in Australia is in our clinics. Increased demand from Thailand residents for access to Geneas leading-edge and breakthrough fertility treatments resulted in the launch of the conveniently located clinic in Central Tower (Level 10) at Central World, Bangkok.

Theres a huge difference between the technologies used in IVF labs around the country and therefore, in your chance of making a baby. Making sure your clinic has access to leading fertility technology should be top of your list when considering IVF treatment.

Protecting your embryos, sperm and eggs in the optimal fluid to grow, offering consistency in freezing results and allowing embryos to grow in the most ideal environment all maximise the potential for you to have a baby in the least number of cycles possible.

Please contact us & make an appointment in advance

 (+66)2-026-1720-9, Mobile: (+66)61-839-6886
  : Central Tower Floor 10 (Central World)
  : Genea Thailand
  : @genea
  : Genea Thailand

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