Genea Starting your journey to parenthood? We’re with you every baby-step of the way.

Egg & Sperm Freezing

With more than 30 years of experience in fertility treatment and the creation of the first high-end frozen egg clinic in Australia.

IUI (Intra–uterine Insemination)

IUI is considered when donor sperm is required or for those who have a physical problem with sexual intercourse or a physical problem of the cervix preventing sperm penetration.

IVF (In vitro Fertilization)

When you need IVF (In-vitro Fertilisation) to help you have a child, we bring eggs and sperm together in a dish in our lab and develop the resulting embryos in our world leading incubation system.

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

If you have low sperm numbers or poor sperm motility or morphology, it’s possible your Fertility Specialist will recommend a type of IVF treatment called ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

PGS & GeneSyte™ NIPS

PGS, is often used by couples who are older, have experienced recurrent miscarriage or have had a number of failed embryo transfers following IVF treatment.

Grow By Genea app (watch your embryos develop)

An Australian first app for smartphones and tablets giving IVF patients 24/7 access to photos and videos of embryos during the five days they spend growing in an incubator in the embryology lab.