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How does GeneSyte™ work?

When a woman is pregnant, some of the baby’s DNA crosses the placenta into the mother’s bloodstream. GeneSyte™ is a prenatal test that involves taking a blood sample from the mother and testing for the baby’s DNA. Scientists can then look at the baby’s DNA for changes in chromosome numbers, checking for conditions which are caused by extra or missing chromosomes.

At Genea, through GeneSyte™ we can test all chromosomes. Some of the most commonly known conditions we test for are Down, Edwards and Patau syndromes. GeneSyte™ can also report on the sex of a baby.

What is the difference between GeneSyte™ and other tests on the market?

There are other non-invasive prenatal screening options on the market that sound very similar but quite simply, they are not. The most important thing a patient wants to know is that if she has her blood collected, she will get a result. Some competitors have a ‘failure to report’ result 3-5% of the time. However, the GeneSyte failure to report rate is just 1.01%^.

GeneSyteTM : Test timing and results

GeneSyte™ can be conducted anytime from 10 weeks gestation. However, this test works well in combination with a 12-week ultrasound. The 12-week ultrasound looks for the healthy physical growth of a baby, GeneSyte™ looks at the chromosome health of the baby which is just as important.